Monday, June 14, 2010

Long over-due Post

Hello my dear friends (: Well, I've really been lagging with posts. But you have to understand the attitude of writing a blog post... it that terrible disease where you have so much to write about that you get confused about what to write and eventually you get tired of thinking. However, you'll be pleased to know that I'm determined to get this post out (:

1. End of the First Academic Year
Well, there's nothing too much to say about this (: We're done with the first Academic year! 4 more to go XD hahah. Sigh.

2. New York New York!
I went to New York for 12 days! With my dearest Mom ((: It was a blast and I've uploaded the photos on Facebook XD I didn't take too many photos though, since it was mostly cement and buildings XD AND I was too busy have a whale of a time to take photos XD I think the best thing about the trip was going to visit Quan Ming and his posse down in Brooklyn (: The only thing that topped that was walking from Chinatown (middle of Manhattan) alllll the way down to the World Trade Center Ground Zero (Southern Manhattan) =D Hee. It was a trip of compassion and learning as I made friends on the plane as well - Marc, Frank, Ryan and Ryan's Mom XD And we shared stories of how Frank met Megawati and lost friends in 9/11 as well as Bali on 10/12. Then Marc told us how he sailed the Atlantic and taught us a French tongue twister XD.

3. Heart-to-Heart
The past few days have been magical talking to Rox (: We just spent nights revealing everything to each other XD I suspect she knows more about me than I do now O.O But there's something magical about sharing each other's pain and joy (: I could feel that through each second I was more than just sitting with a friend I loved and cared for, I was forming a bond with her ^^ I cannot express sufficiently how inspired I get every time I have a sit-down with Rox (: She has shown me to love others even more and how to open up my world to others ^^ how to conquer my prejudice and such (: She is my infallible mirror, and has allowed me to see both my faults and my strengths ^^

Rox, Thank you so much for opening up your world to me ^^ Don't you worry babe! No matter how warped you think your story is, I'll still be there, with my ears and arm open (: No matter what is happening and even when things get too out-of-hand to manage, keep strong my dear (: God and I are always on your side ^^ With much love, Sharyl.

4. Havana Nights
This is all Eugene's fault. I can't stop listening to Salsa beats and practising the Bachata steps! >.< Yes. I've caught the Salsa fever. Haha. I'm even planning to take up salsa lessons and join the salsa team at NTU (: I'm so riled up! But of course, it couldn't have been without the help of some friends whom I dragged along to Social Night ^^ You guys made dancing such a fun experience that I just couldn't stop! Thanks, Eugene, Vig, Mel, Grace, Michelle ((: You guys have really opened up my eyes (: You made me dance again ^^

There's nothing quite sublime as dancing with someone (: Even if that someone is somebody you have never met before in your whole life. I think that's what I like about Social night. You get to dance with someone you don't even know without any reservations (: I'm a girl of many words and when you get me started, I can't stop XD But even though I root for the written, I'm profoundly impress by the non-written expression. Dancing is the summary of a relationship/friendship (: Like Dylan Moran said, hellos are difficult because after 'hello' people get lost. They go, "Hello!.......... (puffs cheeks).... SO! Would you like a chipmunk?" Haha (:

But on the dance floor, the 'May I?' is the 'Hello'. And when you're with him, there's nothing after hello. Just the rhythm of the music and the 'connection' between you and him. You have to trust him completely. You're a little tense at first, but as the music goes on, and you finally lean back into his hold, you find that you 'understand' each other (: Nothing is spoken or communicated, but at every simple turn and 180 turn, he catches you and pulls you back and suddenly the barriers between the both of you fall (: Bit by bit. I think that's the magic of dancing~

I mean, sure I'm not as slender, tall and gorgeous as all the other women twirling on the dance floor. But no one really cares (: so as long as you're having fun (:

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