Thursday, January 7, 2010

Прекрасный ужин (:

I'm writing this blog entry as swiftly as I can lest the most interesting details flee too quickly from my feeble mind. (:


Today, we had the most AWESOME Christmas Party ever! (Parties with my family don't count because those are beyond awesome XD) And this party was spent in the company of Liz, Fei Mao, Roxanne, Mren, Rachel and Jennifer! =D -confetti sprays out- There is no better combination than good (freakingawesomesuperdeliciousmegalicious) food (cooked by the awesome duo of Liz and Mom), super-lific company and comments on Left 4 Dead flying across a strong teak dining table in a cozy dining room (:

The Dinner


[ Starters ] The appetizer really was the epitome of all appetizers (: Lemon salad dressing dribbled over the freshest baby spinach leaves, raspberries and blueberries mixed into a perfect salad ... on one end of the plate XP It was accompanied with the most amazing Moussaka (painstakingly done to perfection by Mren!) and this lovely Russian meat-pocket dish (FORGIVE MY IGNORANCE, AMANDA!) that I had to fight not to gobble it (and the rest of them) down in one bite XD


[ Mains ] We had TURKEY for dinner (: Mais il n'est pas turkey typicale. It was a MOIST, lightly roasted turkey which had been soaked previously in a complicated concoction-of-a-salt-water-bath that contains rosebuds and star anise O.O Ou la la. Tres bien (: I won't even mention the sweet rhubarb jelly, cranberry sauce and rapturous turkey filling made of sweet onions and chestnut (: Whoops. I just did, didn't I?


[ Dessert ] Why go to Perth when you can have LAVENDER ice cream in Singapore? In the comfort of your (friend's) house? (: My scoop was topped off with white chocolate and a strawberry ((: I didn't leave one drop of icecream or even a sliver of chocolate in that bowl. Same goes for the caramelized oranges and the greek yoghurt (: All sitting comfortably in my bulging tummy.

I guess in the end, it wasn't really the food that made all the difference (: Although we loved and cherished every last drop of sauce and sliver of meat, it was the company that made all the difference (: the camaraderie (hate using that word...) at the filled-up table and the general spirit of true, carefree merry-making. I think there and then, at the beginning of January (For goodness sake), we found the true spirit of Christmas ^^ ... no... this is how we should live life everyday! Not the indulgent part, but the part where we keep our friends close to our side and live each moment as if the next would be our last - constantly sharing and taking in the joy (not the pain) of each fleeting second.


Mom once said, when life gives you lemons, squeeze the heck out of them, add your own sugar and make lemonade. Well guys, I think together we really crushed the juice out of Life's lemons XDD Don't you agree?

And now I end with a fuzzy picture of us together =DD hahaha. Sorry T___T My camera is phail.


Thank God for you guys (: Really, with all my tiny little heart. THANK GOD.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Lord's Prayer

"Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your Name.
Your Kingdom come,
Your Will be done,
on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our Daily Bread.
Forgive us our debts,
As we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one."
